The Alzheimer’s disease is one of 10 worst killers.
Every human body, is exposed to an illnesses. And very little we can do there, but there is spiritual symbolic aspect of it- knowingly becoming spiritual disable person, just by choice.
For me Alzheimer symbolizes our society. It is the sickness of our era.
My mom has Alzheimer’s. She was borne in in 1950 in a time when our society was healthy, we had family traditions functioning well, when mother and father did know their role in the family, when prayer, religion and faith were important values, when serving the country, loving the motherland were natural things, when people cared more for each other.
My mom is sick now it is 2015. The world changed, values changed, understanding of family changed. We as Christians did forget our traditions, commitment, foundations, honesty and working faith.
This is what I call spiritual Alzheimer’s disease,- losing Biblical memories and becoming earthly, so attached to material goods and living life of spiritual emptiness.
Spiritual Alzheimer’s disease makes us indifferent towards our neighbors, friends and fellow believers. We are fake, politically correct but never Biblically. We forget genuine personal relationships, we communicate through machines, and we hid behind commuter screens.
We do not know each other, because man or woman in Facebook, in Instagram, is not us entirely. For example Smiley face in my email cannot express my emotion, and just pushing a bottom ‘’like’’ on computers is an inert word. Technology brought us closer and at the same time pushes us far apart. Technology is not a bad thing or a good thing, it is about us- we lost human contact.
We have an excuse for that – It is, we do not have time.
Yes, the disease does not have sans of time.
Spiritual Alzheimer’s disease went deep in our society, we are afraid of changes, we are afraid of the new, unknown. When people think about change they start playing the “what if?” game.
What if I make a mistake?
What if it is worse than what I have now?
What if I fail? The Bible is full of verses that say do not fear.
“Do not Worry’’ Matthew 6 25-34 .
“I can do everything through Christ who Gives me strength” Philippians 4-13
Why then are we afraid of changes? Because we are stranger to the Bible and we have lost God.
We learn that we can do it, we can do everything by our self’s, if we want to. We learn that it is all about us no body ells, it’s my life, my choice, my will, my power. But in our hearts we know we can’t do everything by our self’s, even if we work hard.
Can I become a president? No, I was not borne in the US, so by the constitution I cannot be a president. I cannot save myself, I cannot make myself free- I need Jesus. Whit Him I can do everything.
We play church, like kids. Some of us are believers in the church and atheist when we are out of the church. Those kind of believer’s live a double life, hypocrites and fake church member. What a waste of time.
We forgot that the Church is a place to worship our creator.
Worship begins with a seeking heart. And search for God start in your heart.
An ancient story from India describes a young man who was looking for God. He went to a wise old man for help. “How can I find God?” he asked the old man. The old man took him to a river where they start walking into the deep water. Suddenly the old man grabbed the young man by the neck and pushed him under the water, holding him down until he was waving the water in fear. Finally, the old man released him. The young man was out of breath. Hi cray out “What did that have to do with my finding God?” The old man asked him, “While you were under the water what did you want more than anything else?” The young man answered, “I wanted air. I wanted air more than anything else!” The old man replied, “When you want God as much as you wanted air, you will find him.” God promises to meet us in worship when we come looking for Him.
1 Chronicles 28: 9 If you search for him, he will be found by you.
He created us out of love and a desire to be with us. When we come to church expecting to meet God, when we hungry to be in His presence, only then, we will begin truly to worshiping.
Alzheimer’s disease dos not have cure yet but spiritual Alzheimer’s has- finding God, worshiping him. Spending time with him.
fr Zacharia