Our Vision

Sermon – Sunday January 31, 2016

“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:4-5

Do you have a vision?   As a community, do we have a vision?    Are we able to see the light at the end of the tunnel?    If so, where is that light coming from?  Perhaps it is something or someone guiding us.  Are you ever curious about such topics, ask yourself questions?    Certain times, simple questions can be difficult to answer, yet, you must continue to ask questions.

The type of questions you ask yourself, define the life you live.  When such questions are posed, the journey of self-exploration begins;   the discovery of inner self.       Who are you and what are your goals?  your dreams?           The right questions unveil self-awareness and personal growth,     which then allows one to see beyond “the self” – the wider, bigger, higher.        It is then when one looks with the eyes of our Lord.   

The blind leading the blind causes a fall into the ditch. Ignorance cannot advise ignorance, as it creates foolishness.  He who limps is incapable of teaching another to dance, as the steps will be incorrect.        He who is incapable of spotting the lighthouse in the distance cannot be a boat’s Captain.     Life is an ocean where the wise man learns to swim.        He who falls into the ocean with the expectations that the waves will take him to shore is unintelligent.

Avetik Isahakian, an Armenian poet wrote,    “Every good thing happens in a short time.        Being in love is short.      The life of a flower is short. Youth is short.     Spring is short.     Every good thing has wings to fly away.”  But we do not want these things to fly away sooner than need be.      Sometimes, due to our ignorance, carelessness and indifference attitude;   such things fly away.      Due to our behavior, we lose the best moments of our lives.

Thus, we resemble the stupid man who carries his donkey.  Someone asked the man why he was carrying his donkey, rather than riding it.  The man replied, “The donkey doesn’t know where I want to go.”      If we don’t have a vision, then we would be like the man that carries his donkey instead of riding it.

Let me ask you:  as a congregation,  where do we want to go?    Take a moment and ask yourself, especially those who are in the front of the flock; do we have a vision?  Do we have God’s blessing and guidance?  Or is our effort pointless?

Every man is a student in this world. Sometimes we are slow learners, for we lack wisdom. We lack the faith required to see the light and He who carries and holds that light.

 We MUST ignite our minds with that light and we MUST warm our souls with the fire of light.  Christ IS that Light!

As Christians, we are called by our master,  Jesus Christ, to be perfect and to be bright;       full of his light and warmth. 

What is our vision?         – the light of Christ!  Is the answer. 

When we forget this vision, let us remind one another in a Christian manner.        Let us read the Bible,     pray and    meditate.        There is no shame in asking our Lord for His guidance.

 Our calling is to light a candle, rather than curse the darkness. Let us learn to light each other’s candle.     Instead of one candle shining, there will be millions glowing and chasing the darkness away.              

It is not a shame if you don’t know something, however it is a shame if you don’t want to learn.

It is shameful when pride and conceit does not allow us to admit that we don’t have a vision.

One should never cheat himself.  The vision is not empty words.             A vision that is not brought to life cannot be seen.     A vision from a man shows who he is.  It can be seen through his faithful actions.  Seek the light. Seek the Lord’s wisdom. Take the path toward the light.     We are children of that light.      Nothing can be accomplished in darkness, in secret or behind walls, rather openly and passionately.

Our hearts cannot house deceit and phoniness, for the heart is a temple of the light.     A sacred place where Jesus Christ is enthroned.    With St. Nerses Shnorhali’s prayer, let us pray together to the light.

 “Wisdom of the Father, O Jesus, give me wisdom always to think, speak and do that which is good in Thy sight;         save me from evil thoughts, words and deeds;          have mercy upon Thy creatures and upon me a great sinner.”



Sermon 2/11/2018


Sermon for December 20, 2015